History of the Modern Acoustic and Electric Guitars
The Acoustic and Electric guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in use today. Just about every kind of music that you listen to on the radio makes use of the guitar in many ways. Rock and Roll, Country and Western, Southern Gospel, Praise and Worship have all been influenced by the guitar. Along with the drums and the piano, scr888 both the Electric Bass and Acoustic Guitars make up the modern music rhythm set. The versatility of the Acoustic Guitar has made it one popular instrument. A guitar can be played by a learning child or an experienced guitar player. Most modern music of today features the Electric Guitar and most Rhythm sections of Country and Gospel music depend heavily on the Acoustic Guitar. The guitar has gotten a very good accompaniment in the form of the effects box. Electric Guitar can imitate the sound of a piano, violin, pedal steel guitar, harmonica, and even the human voice by making use of a device called a Talkbox. With the features and f...